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真 zhen

Home Pinyin zhen

逼真 bīzhēn lifelike; verisimilitude

传真 chuánzhēn facsimile; fax; faxing

纯真 chúnzhēn pure

当真 dàngzhēn really

仿真 fǎngzhēn emulate; emulated; emulation; simulation

果真 guǒzhēn really

较真 jiàozhēn more true

梦想成真 mèngxiǎng chéng zhēn dream come true

清真 qīngzhēn muslim

认认真真 rèn rènzhēn zhēn seriously

认真 rènzhēn conscientious; earnest; earnestness; serious

失真 shīzhēn distortion; undistorted

率真 shuàizhēn true

天真 tiānzhēn ingenuously; innocently; naive; naivete

童真 tóngzhēn childlike

写真 xiězhēn photo

真棒 zhēnbàng awesome

真诚 zhēnchéng genuineness; sincere

真谛 zhēndì sincere

真核 zhēnhé eukaryotic

真话 zhēn huà truth

真假 zhēn jiǎ true and false

真菌 zhēnjūn fungal; fungi

真空 zhēnkōng vacuum

真理 zhēnlǐ truth; truths

真面目 zhēnmiànmù true colours

真名 zhēnmíng real name

真皮 zhēnpí genuine leather; leat

真切 zhēnqiè really cut

真情 zhēnqíng truth

真人 zhēnrén real person

真身 zhēn shēn real body

真实 zhēnshí authentic; authentically; real; truthful

真是 zhēnshi really

真是的 zhēnshi de really

真丝 zhēnsī silk

真相 zhēnxiàng truth

真心 zhēnxīn sincere

真心话 zhēnxīn huà truth

真心实意 zhēnxīn shíyì sincerely

真言 zhēnyán mantra

真意 zhēnyì true meaning

真真 zhēn zhēn really true

真正 zhēnzhèng genuine; genuinely; real

真挚 zhēnzhì sincere

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce